Write For US

TechActives Thanks for visiting TechActives! We are always in search for the fresh perspectives created by the sharp minds in the content marketing for providing our readers an actionable and in-depth content which assists them in planning, organizing and promoting their work better. If you have a writing task in your mind, keep reading for getting details of how you can write for us!

Please Email us at Sarfarazseo9@gmail.com

First Things Come First

We receive many pitches. Most of them get rejected. So, following are few tips for staying out of our junk:

  • Go through this entire blog before pitching. It is so annoying to get pitches which don’t follow our mentioned guidelines.
  • We respond to the pitches only which we accept. If your idea is liked by us, you will get response in weeks. We have a busy team, so follow up emails get ignored.
  • Be sure that we didn’t have covered your topic before. If you aren’t able to do much research, we won’t trust that you can write good content.
  • We accept only the educational posts by guest authors. A lot of step-by-step blogs and screenshots are needed also. If a post doesn’t fit in this description, it won’t get published.
  • If a post has been written before which you pitched, it won’t be published. We need fresh content, written only for our readers.
  • If your idea gets accepted, but you blow the deadline, your content won’t get published. If want an extension, tell us one or two days beforehand.

Got it? So, let’s move forward!

Why You Must Write For TechActives?

We are a great fun for sure to work with!most importantly, we commit to run the finest possible blog which we can serve rapidly to our growing readers. We need the content which we want our readers to read again and again. We treat each of the guest post that we publish as one of our very own, too. the work you do will get promoted all across our social media platforms and also via our newsletters through email.

What We See In Our Writers?

We only accept the pitches by the content marketers of every stripe. Whether you work in the in-house company or as the freelancer, everybody brings a unique perspective which is valuable to our readers. You must have experience of couple of years at least in this business. Older blogs published on any other high quality blogs can be a plus.

Our most of the ideal guest writers are insightful and passionate. They put stress on details, follow guidelines and provides our readers a real value. They have the fundamental knowledge of SEO however place audience at first preference. Click bait headlines can crack you. They have been the grammar wizard and if you all these guts, come and write for us today!

What Do We Need?

We make content which exhibits readers the ways of doing better web content marketing. We don’t afraid of getting into the deep details, rather, we can write up to 800 to 1500 words if this is what it need to tell everything to our readers that they need of knowing. We commit to create a highly actionable web content and this is what is needed to earn trust of our readers.

In short, it is expected that each of the blog post show our readers everything which they need of knowing regarding the topic. If you do it correctly, our readers will definitely not go to any other post.

We keep our standards high. We require to keep them up. As readers see your posts on our site, they need to expect the high quality content, which worth their time. It is expected that your piece must be written well, completely researched and most importantly, filled with tips which people can use in real life.

The four pillars of content that support each of our post should be kept in mind during pitching:

  • Topic. You must choose the relevant and highly targeted topic for our readers. Tend to write best post on the topic that ever published on our web.
  • Research. Perform your homework. Connect to the reputable sources. Make use of data and statsfor backing up your ideas and claims.
  • Keyword. You choose the keywords which are well-aligned to the research done on the topic.
  • Comprehensiveness. Cover the topic as a whole. Never leave out the steps or info that are important for the readers to imply your advice.

Now Start Sending Us Your Perfect Pitches!

You will come to an immense and new audience, create an authoritative voice for yourself in field of writing and enjoy the fun all the time. Also, you will get supported by our targets of helping content marketers perform their best. Your diverse voice can make us better, so pitch us now your best pieces!